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Helping Hand

Community Service

"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth." - Muhammad Ali

Empowering the Indian Third Gender

Abstract Lines

India, the home to assorted spices, rich heritage, lively cities and astonishing views, embraces a plethora of communites with their own diverse traditions and history, one of them being the third gender of India, called 'Kinnars' who are infamous for being marginalized. Upon hearing this, I thought to myself, at the end of the day, they are inevitably humans like us, just born in a different way, yet still manifested in the same manner by nature.


So I contacted a few of my friends who would like to contribute to my idea of addressing the false stigma surrounding the Kinnar Community. Below are a

few glimpes of our meeting with their community that me and my team inititated.


Along with interviewing  their community in order to learn more about their lifestyle and the issues they have to tackle every now and then, we also brought a cake for them to cut so they felt more accepted and open to talk to us. 


This mini-conference enlightened me about their routine, cultures, and of course, how they are harshly treated by society. Using our findings, we set out to host various workshops and campaigns to spread awareness about this persevering community.

More Insights

Interviewing the Kinnar Community

Visiting their house


Having them cut a cake

Area around their residence; bad living conditions



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